Student Solution


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Chapter 19 Forum

Chapter 19 Forum

Q Do you think that you be the judge case was wrongly decided in this chapter? The court held that a quantity term was required and the sides had not agreed on one. But you can certainly argue this was an output contract - there is no indication both side intended him to sell to anyone else and he was planning to sell everything he produced. So, which side are you on? (note that your participation credit in no way depends on which side you come down on) Would you have held the two parties had a valid contract?

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As a matter of first importance, an output contract is an assention in which the producer consents to pitch his or her whole creation to the purchaser, who in return agrees to buy the whole output. Henceforth, I would favor for the court, this is because in context to this case, if there should be an occurrence of output contract beyond any doubt, the amount by the output made by the merchant or the prerequisites of the purchaser is herein considered a vital means and yet it must be found out that such real output or necessities may happen in accordance with some basic honesty.